Class of 2028 Profile

The Dual Degree Program between Tel Aviv University and Columbia University offers students an international educational experience —a program spanning two continents and cosmopolitan cities. The Program allows students to enhance their global outlook and develop their language skills and communication abilities to the highest academic level. Learn more about the incoming class of newly admitted Dual Degree Program students below.

Applicant Overview

148 Total Applicants, 84 Interviewed, 62 Total Admits, 33 Yield

SAT Ranges

Average scores for first-year admitted students who submitted SAT scores

SAT Total

Total SAT Scores: 18.2% in 1550-1600 range, 36.4% in 1500-1549 range, 9.1% 1400-1449 range, 36.4% in 1450-1499

Math (Left) and Verbal (Right) Scores

Math SAT Scores: 69% in 750-800 range, 23% in 700-740 range, 8% in 650-690 range //  Verbal SAT Scores: 46% in 750-800 range, 46% in 700-740 range, 8% in 650-690 range

ACT Ranges

Average scores for first-year admitted students who submitted ACT scores

ACT Score Ranges: 50% in 36-34, 50% in 31-33

Dual Degree Citizenship

39.4% US Citizenship, 12.1% International Citizenship, 48.5% Dual Citizenship

7 Countries Represented

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Israel, Monaco, United Kingdom, United States

World Map

US Residents hail from 8 states and commonwealths, including: California, DC, Kansas, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Washington

Types of Secondary Schools Attended/Diplomas Earned


Secondary education completed by admitted and enrolled students